MerLynne Byrne
Search Staff ConsultantMerLynne has worked with Children, Youth and Families within the Episcopal Church for over 25 years. She has worked both nationally and locally with faith communities of various sizes. She has led children’s and youth ministry formation programs, summer camps, Vacation Bible School, and Volunteer Training. She currently serves as Senior Associate at a church where her role is similar to that of a Chief Operating Officer. Recognizing and supporting the voices of children and youth throughout their faith journey continues to be her passion. MerLynne has a Certificate of Christian Education from The Seminary of the Southwest and a B.S. in Child Psychology from the University of Minnesota. Additionally she has a Master of Public Affairs from the Humphrey School of Public Affairs, University of Minnesota, with a focus on Nonprofit Management. MerLynne lives in Minnesota with her husband and their two rescue labs. She enjoys reading cookbooks and spending time with their two grown daughters and friends around the dinner table.