Adam Witter
Search ConsultantAdam Witter has been serving in ministry for almost fifteen years now. Adam grew up in the suburbs of Atlanta, GA, where he heard the call to ministry while in high school after leading middle school students as a student leader. He has worked as a youth pastor at various churches in the Atlanta area and is currently serving as a Children’s & Families Pastor.
He believes there is no better way to lead the next generation to Christ than through the local church. To that end, he feels that it is crucial to disciple the next generation to continue on its legacy. It is his desire that kids and students have a faith that sticks after graduation, and believes this is done best through an authentic gospel presentation, mobilizing young people in the church through service, and a partnership with parents. Adam currently serves as a Director of Discipleship where he develops and coordinates opportunities for all ages to grow in their relationship with Jesus Christ.
Adam holds a B.S. Ed. in Business Education from the University of Georgia, a M.Div. from Candler School of Theology, Emory University, and is accredited as a ministry coach through the Center of Advanced Coaching.
Adam and his wife Brooks have two children, Norah and Judah.